eyeris.io was designed with the focus of helping marketers, brand managers and the business owners in their quest of acquiring new customers and maintaining an active and fresh brand image

2 hours 25 minutes
are spent per day by people using social media.
Source: The Digital 2021 Global Overview Report

Social brand identity

Yes, we know, you see all those big names and their extensive presence on social networks.

You fight for visibility through creative content, however, at the same time, there is that feeling that never goes away. The feeling that you are missing the opportunity to constantly keep your followers updated with all the new promotions, news and offers you have available.

You want to do more, and you want for your unique brand identity to scream out from all your posts.

Customer acquisition

If you want to run customer acquisition campaigns, you need to be present in front of your customer at the right place and right time.

For instance, you might realize that there is an opportunity to promote your products through bumper YouTube ads when a potential customer is looking for similar or related products, but you just don’t have the creative skills or budgets to create advertising videos. At the same time, you might want your videos to automatically include the offers that you continuously update on your competitive website.

eyeris.io can help you quickly create amazing short video ads disclosing your value proposition to your targeted segment.

90% of people say they have discovered a brand or product on YouTube.

Source: Think with Google - Youtube Video Watching Habits

Video is the fastest growing marketing segment and marketers are increasing their budgets in order to make the most of this opportunity.
Video advertising is the fastest growing marketing segment, with an average growth rate of 11.9% by 2026.

Source: The Digital 2021 Global Overview Report

60% of content marketers will increase their video marketing budgets in 2022.

Source: Content Marketing Institute; Vidyard

eyeris.io is providing one of the most advanced technologies in video automation, all at a fraction of the costs needed for professional marketing services.

Our aim is to empower the sharp minds behind the agile brands of tomorrow.

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